



主演:Charlie Sheen Denise Rich 

导演:Steve Rash 



义海雄风(普通话版)敢死队3(国语版)索命飞刀狙击手:遗产飙车之车神传说寅次郎的故事22:传说中的寅次郎风流家族粤语下雪的日子鬼马小精灵国语埃迪:梦游食人族圣何塞谋杀案粤语最长的拥抱侠骨仁心阳光灿烂的日子倩女幽魂3:道道道金刚狼2(原声版)魔殿屠龙 魔殿屠龍惊奇队长(原声版)雷神2:黑暗世界(原声版)雷神2:黑暗世界(国语版)鬼哭山河诡室血祭东京食尸鬼 真人版2午夜警匪战卡罗尔·马蒂厄国语海角乐园奈莉·拉普:怪物特工HELLO玄大人天眼神婿

2001年上映,Steve Rash 执导,由Charlie Sheen Denise Richards Angie Harmon 等主演的金玉良言在美国发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,金玉良言手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《金玉良言》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。

Ryan is a womanizing stockbroker whose unethical business practices cost him his job and his trader's license. Unable to find another job, he is forced to move in with his equally self-involved (and completely oblivious) girlfriend, Cindy, an insensitive advice columnist on the cusp of losing her own job due to her poor advice and slow work habits. Finding that the truth behind his moving in has nothing to do with romance, Cindy runs off with another man. Ryan decides to stay in the apartment and earn a living by doing Cindy's job. Ryan establishes himself with Cindy's editor, Page, as Cindy's go-fer, collecting Cindy's paychecks and mail and delivering her columns. Initially as hopelessly inept as Cindy in giving advice, he nearly gets the column canceled. However, he rapidly grows into the job and the combination of forced introspection, research and the growing knowledge that he is touching other people's lives transforms him. The column becomes an amazing success. Ryan finds his initially superficial attraction to Page growing into love, but he cannot reveal his feelings while he is a deceptive fraud. Meanwhile, Cindy becomes aware of her growing fame, and returns to cash in, at the same time that the owner of a rival newspaper chain attempts to force Page to sell Cindy's column to him.



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