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战士2024伊阿宋与阿尔戈英雄长安侠影之天谴之谜五路追杀令2:刺客舞会金蝉脱壳2:冥府(粤语版)里奥追踪我内心糟糕的念头 特别篇冒牌搭档(普通话)万物生灵:2023圣诞特别集纽扣战争百元之恋天生爱情狂(粤语版)两天一夜2018吾友妻大力神和勇士公主镰仓物语失落的世界黑洞频率零下100度无边泳池监控录像残忍的心凶火 (普通话版)灯红酒绿杀人夜学校怪谈 言灵的诅咒无条件银驹(原声版)中间女孩野兽特警2003十里洋场争霸战

更新时间:2024-07-24 02:19:55

导演:Aijaz Khan 

主演:Talha Arshad Reshi 拉塞卡·杜加尔 

2019年上映,Aijaz Khan 执导,由Talha Arshad Reshi 拉塞卡·杜加尔 等主演的安拉的电话在印度发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,安拉的电话手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《安拉的电话》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。

  Hamid’s (8) father has gone missing. His mother Ishrat has turned indifferent towards Hamid and the entire world after the incident. Neglected and lonely, with a heart searching for answers, Hamid star gazes in the hope of meeting his father. The number 786 always bewildered Hamid. One day a teacher tells Hamid that this is God’s number. Using his father’s old mobile phone, after trying different combinations, he ?nally manages to connect to a person, who he is convinced is God. On the other side is Abhay, a hard-knuckled CRPF Jawaan. Hamid’s phone call, though surprising at ?rst, intrigues Abhay who engages in humouring Hamid. These two, unknowingly and unintentionally, change each other’s world for the better.


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