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iNumberNumber:约堡黄金大劫案深海狂鲨(原声版)座头市血笑旅奇门大盗过江龙金刚狼2(原声版)真真假假冒牌大保镖加拿大麻烦独身一人醒醒吧女朋友1955爱在深秋肮脏性感的人追随我舞步 2017我的极品女神绝密档案百日孤独火星上的最后时日流浪地球进击的巨人真人版:前篇心怀恶意魔鬼记号飞瀑情仇僵尸儿童毛骨悚然撞鬼经 2021特别篇巴尔扎克与小裁缝银河决斗危狱惊情爱的边缘恋爱勿语

更新时间:2024-07-24 04:18:34

导演:Laurie Lynd 

主演:亚尼克·比森 克雷格·汤姆斯 海琳·乔伊 强尼·哈里斯 乔吉娜·瑞利 Lachlan Murdoch Kristian Bruun Ted Whittall Jane Moffat Wesley French Chad Connell Miranda Millar Susanna Fournier Jillian Cook Doug MacLeod 

2013年上映,Laurie Lynd 执导,由亚尼克·比森 克雷格·汤姆斯 海琳·乔伊 强尼·哈里斯 乔吉娜·瑞利 Lachlan Murdoch Kristian Bruun Ted Whittall Jane Moffat Wesley French Chad Connell Miranda Millar Susanna Fournier Jillian Cook Doug MacLeod 等主演的神探默多克第七季在加拿大发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,神探默多克第七季手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《神探默多克第七季》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。

Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid are aboard the SS Keewatin after the owner, Clarence MacFarlane, receives what he believes is a threat. The Keewatin is about to depart from Toronto on its maiden voyage destined for Rochester, N.Y. and Murdoch thinks they should stay on board, especially after he sees that Julia is one of the invited guests. Their presence proves useful after MacFarlane's daughter Amy, who is engaged to her father's chief financial officer Owen Mathers, falls overboard and is nowhere to be found. As Murdoch investigates he finds there is a real threat against the Keewatin and the true facts behind Amy's disappearance.


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