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铁甲钢拳(国语版)中华丈夫粤语活死人地带速度与激情(原声版)野蛮交易SebastianManiscalco:WhyWouldYouDoThat?鬼镇2008最佳拍档之醉街拍档耀眼的你反斗神偷貂蝉1958国语甜蜜的冲动童年的许诺我只要我们在一起春花秋月未了情魔盒:隐喻我会看着的剧场版 艾斯奥特曼:大蚁超兽对奥特兄弟人生初日宇宙潮汐2021神啊救救我吧最终仪式别去阁楼恐惧医院搭车遇狼惊魂记南风不知我爱你锦衣卫之镇魂角那年夏天的秘密电影版整人大赏.2023(年末3小时SP花花尕妹

更新时间:2024-04-19 14:13:16

导演:Kivanc Baruonu 

主演:Ebru Cündübeyoglu Eda Ece Gülenay Kalkan 

0年上映,Kivanc Baruonu 执导,由Ebru Cündübeyoglu Eda Ece Gülenay Kalkan 等主演的丈夫因素在土耳其发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,丈夫因素手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《丈夫因素》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。

The Husband Factor is the story of Efsun (30) who seeks true love and a romantic relationship rather than a husband. She is the black sheep of her peers and the women of her family who are programmed for marriage. She is seeking love yet she does not know what most girls know; how to strike an attitude, or how to manipulate a man. Hence, she has not had a single steady relationship to date. The good news is that her family is dedicated to initiating Efsun into the intricacies of womanhood and ensuring that she gets hitched into the happily ever after. Efsun surrenders herself into the capable hands of these women. As they are getting ready to re-launch her, Efsun runs into her high school friend and former flame Sinan. He is the one, the boyfriend she was never able to get over or replace.


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