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蝙蝠侠1989龙门飞雪:寻龙教浪客剑心 最终章 追忆篇魔界转生弯刀杀戮(枪版慎入)辣妈辣妹年度老爸青蜂侠危险的见面礼2疯狂72小时没有你没有我人见人爱单身女甲贺忍法帖漂洋过海来爱你不愉快的果实SP:第3年的出轨入侵地球千钧一发(普通话版)千钧一发(原声版)失陷猩球圆圈苗岭诡事祈祷2010引狼入室(原声版)鬼娃回魂2国语Ludo蜂蜜甜橙昆仑天尊一条狗的回家路波兰舞者吉屋出租:百老汇剧场版

更新时间:2024-07-24 03:05:01

导演:Hansj?rg Thurn 

主演:克里斯蒂安娜·保罗 汉恩斯·詹尼可 杰尼斯·纽沃纳 

2013年上映,Hansj?rg Thurn 执导,由克里斯蒂安娜·保罗 汉恩斯·詹尼可 杰尼斯·纽沃纳 等主演的英雄们:当国家需要你的时候在其它发行,豆瓣评分和口碑都很不错,英雄们:当国家需要你的时候手机在线观看等资源均是网络收集而来。《英雄们:当国家需要你的时候》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看。

  On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 delegates die. Thirteen minutes later, all around the world more and more satellites plummet to earth. Communications, as we have known them, are collapsing everywhere. West of Geneva. At the largest research laboratory in the world, with a budget of one billion dollars, an experiment has failed that is going to throw the whole world off its hinges. Scientists from 80 nations have simulated the Big Bang with the so-called 'God Machine', the world's greatest particle accelerator, and thereby created a Black Hole. Reaching Geneva turns into a tour de force for our heroes, through a country that like its neighbors is in a state of total emergency, but equally into a time of human encounters. A time, where courage overcomes the fear and human beings do not shut themselves off but take decisive action. A time, where the end is a beginning, and where two brothers become soul mates again. A time, where weakness turns into strength and individuals are unified into a single nation. A time, where despair turns into hope, and loneliness into the love of a lifetime. A time, where one look says more than a thousand words, and even the smallest individuals become giants. Europe's darkest hour turns into a time of patriotic heroes. Heroes just like you and me...  - Written by Dreamtool Entertainment


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